A well-developed streetscape will fit as if it belongs
Sydney Civil has undertaken streetscape projects all over Greater Sydney. We possess the skillset to manage a wide variety of projects from the restoration of footpaths through to larger civil landscape and construction projects.
Our team ensures success at every stage of our streetscape projects. We plan, coordinate, manage, and deliver work to ensure our service is complete and comprehensive.
At Sydney Civil, we are committed to seeking the opinion of the public in the early stages of the project. We also maintain open communication with the public as the project unfolds.

Creating safe spaces for cyclists
Dedicated cycleway construction highlights the need for greater accessibility and safety for cyclists across Greater Sydney.
Sydney Civil has been involved in the design and construction of a range of cycleway projects, from recreational paths in parklands to lanes in the inner city designed to ease congestion on busy roadways.
We continue working with local councils across Greater Sydney as they extend their cycleway network throughout the city and beyond. Working in partnership with our clients, we fully understand project objectives and deliver creative solutions.

Intersection upgrades
Providing better access for pedestrians and cyclists
Population density growth and changes to infrastructure has meant that many state-wide intersections are no longer designed to meet the needs of their community. Sydney Civil delivers successful intersection upgrades to rectify bottlenecks and improve traffic flow.
Upgrades include the addition of extra turning lanes, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, realignment of dedicated bicycle lanes, and the expansion of lanes to create enhanced capacity.
As is the case when undertaking any project work, we continue to work closely with clients and their stakeholder communities as they identify intersections that are in need of upgrades.

Creating liveable and sustainable communities
From small pocket parks and green spaces to large scale playgrounds, there is no landscape too small or too large. Our team are experts at transforming parklands, playscapes, and sporting fields into spaces designed for the public to relish in.
We provide a fully integrated end-to-end civil landscape service, from idea conceptualisation all the way through to bespoke fabrication and construction in delivering a successful urban landscape.
Aside from always working in partnership with our clients, we continue to obtain input and maintain open communication with the surrounding community to ensure the success of our projects on all levels.
Explore Projects

O’Dea Ave, Zetland

Sydney Park Children’s Cycle Path, Alexandria