Making a Difference at Sydney Children’s Hospital

Being part of a thriving community is deeply important to Sydney Civil, and something we’ve built in since our very earliest days. 

Creating safe and welcoming spaces is part of our work, which is why we loved doing exactly this in partnership with the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation (SCHF).

One of our significant contributions has been the refurbishment of Sunny’s courtyard at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. This space serves as a resting zone for hospital staff and a tranquil area for parents and carers. When we learned about the need for refurbishment, we didn’t hesitate to step in. Along with our friends from The Sydney Brick Paving Company and Pebblecrete In-Situ, we donated over $150,000 worth of labour, equipment, and material costs.

Our support for SCHF began in 2020 when we helped fund a BiPAP Ventilator for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. We then became a matched giving partner for SCHF’s first Greenlight Virtual Giving event, raising over $90,000. These funds are used to foster excellence and innovation in paediatric healthcare for children and families in NSW and beyond.

We feel very privileged to be part of the journey of the amazing the doctors, nurses, parents, and children at Sydney Children’s Hospital and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. We’re committed to continuing our support for SCHF and look forward to achieving more great things together.